What is Servant-Minded Leadership?

Discover the Heart of SML Consultive.

We often receive questions about SML Consultive, from those who we have not (yet) had the pleasure of working with. If you wonder what we are all about, we would invite you to take a look at the Q & A below and see if your curiosity is satisfied. If we don’t cover your particular question, feel free to contact us with your inquiry and we will respond as quickly as we can! You never know, your question just might make it to this page for others who wonder about the same thing!

SML Logo with two hand surrounding a lightbulb illuminated by a heart of love.

What exactly, does SML stand for?

The “SML” in SML Consultive is an acronym for Servant-Minded Leadership, which is the heart of all services that we provide.

What is Servant-Minded Leadership?

Servant-Minded Leadership takes the familiar concept of Servant-Leadership and adds mindfulness to service. This transforms leaders from leaders who do for their team to leaders who recognize the impact-potential of their position and seek to leave a positive mark on those they serve.

Servant-Minded Leadership vs. Servant Leadership?

The primary difference between the familiar Servant Leadership and what we call Servant-Minded Leadership is recognizing the value of effective leadership and the role that leaders play in the overall success of each member of their team. 

What is the basis of Servant-Minded Leadership?

Servant-Minded Leadership is based on a variety of principles that coalise around the impact of a leader on the overall lives of those they serve. When a leader understands the impact they have, there is a moment-by-moment choice surrounding whether that impact will be positive or negative. SML Consecutive seeks to empower leaders to effectively engage with their teams in order to foster a culture that improves the lives of each team member and makes a world-changing impact.

Where did Servant-Minded Leadership Come from?

What are the core beliefs of Servant-Minded Leadership?

The core beliefs of Servant-Minded Leadership are:

  1. All humans (regardless of rank, position, or any other factor) are worthy of dignity and respect.

2. All teams deserve to be led by one who values them as both contributors and human beings.

3. All leaders have the capacity to positively change the world via love-based, servant-minded leadership.

What’s the difference between Servant-Minded Leadership and other Leadership styles?

There are many, many leadership styles that exist. Some are radically different from one another while others are more of nuanced diversity. Servant-Minded Leadership shares commonality with many other forms of leadership. However, its primary distinctive feature is its emphasis on impact that far exceeds the organizational context. While many other leadership styles focus on how to bring impact to the organization, Servant-Minded Leadership seeks to empower leaders within organizations to impact the world!

What does SML Consultive do?

We change lives, by empowering Leaders to change the world.

Still didn’t answer your question?

Servant-Minded Leaders working in collaboration with their teams foster healthy culture and productive engagement.

Our Mission

Providing empowering engagement resources for leaders who want to leave a positive legacy.

Our Vision

We see a future when the world is a better place as teams enjoy authentically engaged leadership that empowers their overall success as human beings.

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